Travel is back on, and as we all start to embark on our journeys, interstate or internationally, our bodies are adjusting, and at times feeling the pain of travel. So how do we best eat and more importantly enjoy the local cuisine when on holidays.
When flying long haul, pre-plan your snacks. It could be as simple as checking that your airline has fresh fruit, packing a bag of your favourite nuts or protein bar. Look to consider how long you will be in transit. Often we think that we will be able to sail through customs and into a lounge, however with extra check in this can stretch for hours as we can then be ravenous at the other end.
Hydrate – yes we all know this, but struggle at times, particularly if that means that we are up and down to the toilets, which lets be honest aren’t that enjoyable to use. Consider how many litres you drink daily and add an extra litre. In addition look to hydrate your skin with a good moisturizer, this will also help keep you feeling hydrated all over. Also remember to sip slowly as opposed to bigger gulps in order to absorb more of the fluid.
Chose food wisely. When flying there are many options on planes which are calorie dense and at times loaded with sodium (salt). They are mainly chosen to help people be fuller in less food as space is critical for planes. If possible, look for a fresher alternative, salads, wraps, and any food that is less stodgy and full of extra additives. If your flight doesn’t have ideal options of food that you desire. Look to pack a wrap or salad from the food court after you go through customs. Again, this may be tough depending on where you are travelling and local requirements and border entry, but generally speaking if you consume the meal on the plane you should be fine.
Avoid if possible alcohol. Yes I know, not popular as what is more fabulous that jetting off and saying chink with a glass of bubbly 40,000 feet above. However this will only dehydrate you, make you crave more foods that won’t have you feeling as well at the other end.
So what do I do when I’m heading away? I aim to move the morning of, even if going straight to the airport I cut a few laps around the shopping area and increase those steps prior to boarding. Ideally I go for a run or use the hotel gym, but between cities and needing to check out this isn’t always possible. Look ahead at any stopovers, there are gyms at the major airports such as Singapore, with a bonus outdoor pool, which is great for a stopover. Drinking as much water as possible, mixing it up with sparkling water to make myself feel a little fancy ha! Sipping slowly vs big gulps will also help increase the amount your body absorbs as compared to going straight through you. Snacks that I pack include unsalted nuts, a piece of fruit and a protein bar. I’m also extremely lucky to be able to sleep well on planes so I don’t tend to get bored and want to eat to pass time (which I totally acknowledge can happen!).
When landing overseas, particularly long haul flights, I am to sleep as much when I get on board, adjusting to the time I’m going to. I’m able to do this by waking up early the day of, finishing packing or going to the gym. When arriving I will be pretty hungry as I’ve not eaten on the plane, except for my snacks, and then eat a breakfast or meal when landing, as well as a brisk walk. Again it depends on where you are heading to and time zones if this is even possible, or safe if landing late at night etc.
Enjoy your holidays, and importantly enjoy the local cuisine and variety of food the world has to offer. Look to not restrict when away, but remember you are likely walking more than usual, so you can enjoy the foods on holidays without restriction.