We all know that vegies, and in particular, green vegetables are great for us. Rich in phytonutrients, vitamin K, iron, folate, potassium, and fibre, add in an extra handful to keep you feeling fuller for longer. So how can we add in an extra serve a day in order to reach our daily goal of five veg?
Sometimes sweet, but sometimes savoury, a green veg can be added, particularly with eggs or tofu. Spinach reigns supreme, and adds perfectly with eggs or scrambled tofu, added as a side, or mixed in an omelette. Smoothies enable you to mix in some fruit, perhaps banana or berries, and add in a handful of spinach, with nuts. Zucchini fritters are a great go to, and can be egg free for a good vegan option, or if vegetarian, add in some high protein cheese, and while you’re there add in a pea!
Salads are an obvious choice, rocket, iceberg, kale or back to the humble spinach, look to lightly sauté the kale, or even cut up zucchini strips and oven bake, or add some steamed broccoli in a salad. Peas and green beans can also be a great addition, and even broad beans for something different.
Spinach dip is my favourite go-to as a snack, and a little nostalgic for any 90’s child growing up in Australia. Basil pesto dips too are great as well. Increase the green intake by using cucumber or asparagus to dip, or oven baking some kale chips. Edamame as well can be purchased frozen from most supermarkets and be a great snack, as well as seaweed, which is high in iodine.
Meat and three veg is an Aussie staple, with broccoli and peas, the most obvious choice. Lets rethink this and spice up your side veg. For those that enjoy brussel sprouts (I feel it’s a love / hate relationship for many!), roast until crispy or even roast some asparagus when in season. Stir fries can be an easy way to add in some extra greens, with Asian greens always a great side, and can also be lightly steamed to reduce the oil.
Fresh or Frozen – why not both?
We are all busy, so having both options is great. Frozen can retain the nutrients, and also keep for longer, and are a great back up when you forget to run to the shops mid week. There are a great range of peas, spinach and broccoli, that are also cost effective solutions to fresh when supply is an issue. Most green vegetables are available fresh, however opt for seasonal produce, with price your best indicator of what is in season, which means it also is not travelling so far to land on your plate. For more in depth detail on the fresh vs frozen conundrum, see our other post here.
Our dear friend the Avocado has not been mentioned which you may have noticed, its intentional. It’s the one veg we all have no problem in adding into EVERYTHING! But if stuck, feel free to have on toast with an egg for breakfast, in your smoothie, as a dip, in salads. Literally it is the go-to and rich in good fats and oh so delicious!